Crafty Bird

Welcome to my nest of fibre, fabric, paper, and beads...

Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Thanks for dropping by! I have a passion for all sorts of crafty goodness. Creating items with my hands and heart is a perfect complement to my working life.

Monday, December 31, 2007

knock, knock...

Whose there?

Kitteh, that's who! Sorry for the extended absence, but my mum forgot how to use this blog thing! My life is sooo boring lately - too much typing and angst, not enough playing, catnip, and napping in the sunshine.

Maybe 2008 will be a bit more inspiring for the crafty bird? There has been knitting, and travel, and the acquisition of a new home. All good. However, overall 2007 wasn't the best on the record. But change is on the wind and the stresses of the past year will soon (soon!) be over. Then...catnip for everyone!

See ya next year folks! I think I'll go scratch the stairs now :)